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Guidelines In The Selection of Instructional Materials

The following are guidelines in the selection of instructional materials or educational media:

1.) Size

Is the material (text or picture) big enough to be seen by the farthest pupil? is relativity of size of pictures observed when it is viewed with other materials or pictures? Example, the size of the cat compared with the size of the buffalo.

2.) Color
Is the material colorful? Pupils are attracted by bright and dark colors. And if so, is the choice of colors life-like and harmonious. Does the color facilitate understanding?

3.) Durability

Can the material stand several uses? Can it be used over and over again.

4.) Economy

Is the material worth its costs? Or can a cheaper material in terms of time spent in preparing it and in terms of the cash value be used?

5.) Easy to Handle

Is the material light and easy to manipulate. Is it easy to put up and then and store for future use.

6.) Relevance

Is the material up to date? Is it related to the lesson in particular and to the specific needs,problems, and experiences of the target clientele?

7.) Novelty

Does the material possess an element of newness? Can it arouse the curiosity and a sense of discovery in the learners?


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